Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Blessed are the Pure in Heart

Matthew 5:8 - Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

The Greek word for “pure” had several interesting facets.  It was used for soiled clothes that had been washed clean.  It was used to describe grain and flour that had been carefully sifted and it was used to describe wine or milk that hadn’t been mixed.

So the passage can be translated: Blessed is the man who is authentic, who is not a phony, such a man will see God

Does that mean that you’ll live a perfect Christian life, that you’ll never have another bad thought?  No, bad thought will come, Satan will see to that and you’ll make plenty of mistakes but we can come to God & say, here I am with all my imperfections.  I’m not perfect but I want to be real.

The promise is that God can work with that.  So if you want to see God, take off your mask and quit being phony.  Blessed are the pure in Spirit.

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